Engineering Advisory Center EKL TOOLS


The subdivision of EKL/LS - Engineering Advisory Center EKL TOOLS is the main distributor of the entire range of highly-efficient metal-cutting tools' producers on the territory of Baltic States. EKL TOOLS provides customers with following services:

• Makes technical analysis of the current situation and gives recommendations for enterprise performance optimization.
• Makes technical tests of proposed tools:
  - in its own production centre
  - at the customer's enterprise
• Completes the orders and delivers tools directly to customers.
• Provides customers with recommendations and calculations of specific technological parameters for particular tools and different kind of products materials machining.
• Develops technical proposals for the equipping of newly purchased machines and re-equipping of existing ones by sets of cutting and accessorial tools.
• Gives recommendations for tools maintenance.

EKL TOOLS does not charge additionally for the majority of mentioned above services. Normally these services are given as an integral part of specific orders.